By 12 votes against two the Senate Infrastructure Committee confirmed Wednesday, September 4, the appointment of José Leite to the board of Anatel for another five-year period. Sen. Heloísa Helena (PT, Alagoas) said the opposition parties were struck by the rush to reappoint Mr Leite well before the end of his first term (in early November). ?I believe the proper procedure would be for the president-elect to take care of nominations to Anatel, which is a very important agency,? she said. Brazil elects a new president in October. Sen. Romeu Tuma (PFL, São Paulo) submitted a motion for an urgent vote on the floor of the upper house instead of waiting the statutory five sessions. José Leite said he intends to carry out his duties in the second term as vigorously and with as much dedication as the first. Anatel should prioritize dissemination of access to broadband services on a par with the developed countries and resolve interconnection problems to avoid waste of resources in network construction, he said.