Globopar denies deal with BNDES

A source inside Globopar rebutted rumors of an official bailout Thursday, October 31. ?There is no truth in reports that BNDES [the national development bank] has extended a special facility to alleviate Globopar?s situation or that the Marinho family?s holding company is negotiating on a deal of any kind,? the source insisted. Similarly, a day later a source close to BNDES told PAY-TV News that the rumors and stories of no clear origin that have been circulating in the financial markets are ?entirely without foundation?. Analysts and journalists began speculating when President-Elect Lula chose TV Globo for his first exclusive interviews after his victory in the polls. The rumor mill was fueled by the announcement that Globopar is embarking on a major debt restructuring plan. BNDES can?t risk being accused of favoritism, said sources close to the official bank. The rules don?t provide for financing of media projects because they aren?t considered essential to national development.


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