News Corp. owns 43.9% of Sky Brazil

In group financial statements for the third fiscal quarter of 2002, ending September 30, News Corp. reports that it now controls 43.9% of Sky in Brazil. The information was released Tuesday, November 5. Before the recent agreement with Globo, News Corp. owned 36% of Sky Brazil. Its share may increase further, depending on the amount of capital to be injected. According to the report, Sky Brazil?s third-quarter revenue totaled 130 million US Dollars. EBITDA was minus 1m USD, and the bottom line was a net loss of 157m USD. Debt amounted to 208m USD at the end of the quarter, when Sky Brazil had 704,000 subscribers, according to News Corp. However, the DTH operator itself claims to have added a significant number of subscribers in October, reaching 709,000 at the end of that month.


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