The independent operators that belong to Neo TV have always sought to uncouple their programming costs from the vagaries of the exchange rate. The movement looks set to gain momentum now, thanks to the adhesion of heavyweights Net Serviços and Sky. Net has publicly acknowledged this goal for the coming weeks and has begun negotiating a way of pricing content in local currency rather than the US Dollar, especially with Globosat. Sky informally admits this is a priority. Net Brasil is responsible for negotiating on behalf of both and pressuring operators? controlling shareholders. In the case of Net Serviços, it will have to ask Globosat (controlled by Globo) for a review of contracts. In the case of Sky the situation is more complicated since the DTH operator is controlled by Liberty Media (Discovery), News Corp. (Fox) and Globo (Globosat). As for Neo TV, negotiations are under way with the few programmers that still have some kind of link to the dollar.
New model