João Roberto Marinho and Roberto Irineu Marinho have issued a press release reiterating their support for CEO Marluce Dias da Silva. As controlling shareholders, they say the Globo group?s top management ?consider her conduct impeccable not only as the chief executive of TV Globo, but as strategist for Globosat, and Som Livre?, adding that they have never thought of replacing her. Referring to the evolution of Globo?s audience ratings and revenues since she took over in 1998, the statement goes on: ?Thanks to Marluce?s leadership, TV Globo continues to create high-quality programming and generate the funds required for other business ventures?. The Marinho brothers conclude by saying there is neither a need nor an interest ?on either side? for bringing Boni back into top management. Market watchers saw the statement as a response to constant speculation about the possible resignation or even dismissal of Marluce Dias da Silva. In addition, when preliminary data on TV Globo?s 2001 performance were released last week, analysts began betting on more power for Henri Philippe Reichstul, CEO of Globopar, not least because of pressure from the financial market for tighter control of TV Globo?s spending.