Início Pay-TV Horizon, TVA disagree on MMDS extension

Horizon, TVA disagree on MMDS extension

At the end of April Anatel issued for public review a proposal to extend the coverage of MMDS from a radius of 35 kilometers to 50 km in Rio de Janeiro State and São Paulo State. Only TVA and Horizon expressed views during the consultation. For obvious reasons TVA supported the extension in both cities, saying it wouldn?t jeopardize quality of service. Horizon opposed the change, however, arguing that an extension would affect Atibaia and São Roque (São Paulo State), for which it has licenses acquired by auction. Competitors would be able to cover these cities immediately, preventing Horizon from enjoying the benefits of being the first pay-TV operator to offer service there. The absence of service was one of the main reasons it acquired the licenses for Atibaia and São Roque, both of which are small towns. Horizon also advanced legal arguments against the change. Anatel will now analyze these contributions before deciding whether to extend the MMDS radius in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.



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