Início Pay-TV Senate Committee fails to vote bill facilitating foreign ownership in media

Senate Committee fails to vote bill facilitating foreign ownership in media

The Senate Constitution & Justice Committee should have voted a bill amending article 222 of the Constitution on Tuesday, March 26, but the session was suspended because attendance fell two short of a quorum after Sen. Roberto Requião (PMDB, Paraná) demanded a count. Passage was practically certain. Senator Romeu Tuma (PFL, São Paulo) is rapporteur for the amendment, which eases restrictions on foreign investment in media companies and allows ownership by legal entities.
Another attempt will be made this week, probably on Wednesday, April 3. However, both Sen. Requião and Sen. Eduardo Suplicy (PT, São Paulo) have said they will ask for more time to examine Sen. Tuma?s report, so further delays are likely.



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