Início Pay-TV Net Serviços presses programmers to price in local currency

Net Serviços presses programmers to price in local currency

If on one hand Net Serviços has felt obliged to take a tougher attitude toward creditors with regard to the structure of its debt, on the other it?s also putting pressure on Net Brasil to translate programming prices from US Dollars to Brazilian Reals. According to a notice issued by management, ?the board of Net Serviços decided to submit a formal request to Net Brasil seeking the conclusion of negotiations with programmers as soon as possible?. The signs are that a deal won?t take long at all. Sources close to the talks say an agreement has already been reached with Globosat and will be signed by the end of December. In addition to Net Serviços, they say, it includes other franchisees of Net Brasil and Sky. An agreement with Telecine could take longer because it involves international studios that hold equity in the channel.



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