Início Pay-TV New survey by Ibope shows 80% of subscribers satisfied

New survey by Ibope shows 80% of subscribers satisfied

Selected findings from the 10th POP/Ibope Pay-TV Survey disclosed this week by Flávio Ferrari, director of Ibope Mídia, show 80% of subscribers satisfied with the service. Only 6% said they wanted to switch to another provider, while 4% wanted to cancel, 8% wanted more channels, and 2% wanted fewer channels. Ibope also asked upper-income consumers (classes A and B in the Brazilian classification) who weren?t pay-TV subscribers whether they planned to purchase the service. Just over half (52%) of those sampled said yes, 24% said no, and 24% hadn?t made up their minds. Of the subscribers sampled, 30% said pay TV is just another item in their household budget, 24% said it?s an expensive item, 24% said they don?t watch TV a great deal, and 7% expressed a lack of interest in pay-TV programming. The survey hasn?t been officially published yet. The ninth edition came out in October 2001.



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