Início Pay-TV SET strives to remain neutral as broadcasters wrangle

SET strives to remain neutral as broadcasters wrangle

SET went out of its way to show neutrality on the issues about which the major networks have been arguing among themselves for some time. Record, SBT and Bandeirantes have left Abert, the national association of broadcasters, for example, and Bandeirantes differs from the rest on the speed with which Anatel should choose a DTV standard. Roberto Franco, vice chairman of SET and corporate VP of Record, stressed that SET?s members are not companies but highly qualified professionals who work in the industry and are keen to develop a DTV platform ?for Brazilians by Brazilians?. Mr Franco went on to say that ?we aren?t offering membership of a club or condo. We?re presenting an idea for debate and expect the formal and legal structure to be developed by consensus?.



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