Programmers still haven?t opened special accounts

An ordinance issued February 6 by Ancine, the national film agency, changed the rules for foreign programmers to pay contributions corresponding to 3% of foreign remittances but so far the regulator hasn?t been notified regarding adoption of the new procedure by any pay-TV programmer. Officials say they?re concerned.
According to Ancine?s Instrução Normativa no. 13, Banco do Brasil isn?t authorized to go on accepting deposits in the CC5 accounts previously opened for this purpose and 270 days have passed since the 3% rule was introduced on May 12, 2002. Since then pay-TV programmers have been able to deposit 3% of each remittance and request funding for co-productions at a later date. Each programmer has 270 days to utilize the funds deposited. Because they?ve been slow to start depositing contributions, programmers still have time to use the money but between now and mid-year Ancine will be freezing of these several accounts. So far only Turner and Fox have applied to Ancine to use the 3% for local productions in accordance with the regulations. Any programmer that fails to apply within 270 days of effecting a deposit will lose the right to withdraw funds for production. The money will then be transferred to Ancine?s account.


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