SBT set to stop fighting statute change to allow foreign investment in cable

SBT, one of Brazil?s largest media conglomerates, is set to stop lobbying against amendment of the Cable Act to allow foreign companies to own up to 100% of cable TV companies. The reason is the departure of consultant Luiz Eduardo Borgerth. Mr Borgerth resigned together with several senior executives who disagree with the restructuring project in progress. He was a key figure behind some of SBT?s political positions, especially its opposition to foreign capital in the media and Anatel?s rules on ?multimedia communication services?. SBT?s board has never shown real interest in these issues, according to information gleaned by PAY-TV News, and the positions defended by Mr Borgerth won?t be upheld in his absence. In any event, the lobby against foreign investment in the media industry ? in which Bandeirantes was active alongside SBT ? has already been successful insofar as congressional opponents of the amendment have forced a vote in the Senate. Sen. Ney Suassuna, who drafted the original bill, and Sen. Gerson Camata, who acted as rapporteur during the committee stage, as well as ABTA, which supports derestriction of foreign capital, expected the measure to go directly to the lower house.


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