Fox Pan American Sports plans launch in August

PSN is heading for resurrection in Brazil under the aegis of Fox Sports, which has taken over some assets from the extinct channel. The new name is Fox Pan-American Sports, and its launch in Brazil is scheduled to coincide with the Pan-American Cup in August (formerly the Mercosur Cup). It may even be generated in Brazil, via a partnership with a local production company that would be responsible for supplying some of its content. Sources tell PAY-TV News these plans won?t hinder the creation of ESPN Fox Sports as a joint venture of Fox, ESPN and Globosat, currently awaiting judgment by CADE, Brazil?s competition tribunal. The Finance Ministry?s economic surveillance unit (SEAE) has submitted a technical opinion opposing the joint venture, however. Like the extinct PSN, Fox Pan American Sports will be a premium channel and will sell à la carte. Flagships will include the Libertadores Cup, for which PSN had a seven-year contract. Fox Sports continues in the rest of Latin America.


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