?Brizola factor? could interfere in new Government?s communications policy

President-Elect Luís Inácio Lula da Silva is widely believed to have invited Deputy Miro Teixeira (PDT, Rio de Janeiro) to be his communications minister, but problems internal to the Democratic Labor Party could affect what happens next. Leonel Brizola, the PDT?s charismatic leader and one of the oldest hands in Brazil?s great political game, doesn?t get on too well with Dep. Teixeira, rumored to be on the verge of switching his allegiance to Lula?s Workers Party (PT). If so he won?t be communications minister because the PDT has been promised this cabinet seat in return for backing Lula for president. Mr Brizola may yet withdraw his veto and ?let? Dep. Teixeira accept the invitation, of course. Otherwise Dep. Teixeira may wind up as majority leader in the lower house, replacing José Genoino, who ran (and lost) for governor of São Paulo instead of seeking re-election. Lula?s cabinet is likely to include other potential house leaders such as Dep. Jacques Wagner, reportedly invited to be labor minister. Dep. Aloísio Mercadante moves to the Senate, and Dep. José Dirceu has been named Chief of Presidential Staff. Dep. Teixeira is respected by most other parties and seen as a skillful negotiator.

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Dep. Dirceu, the PT?s main man in charge of building a ruling coalition with other parties, makes no secret of the fact that just because a ministry is given to a particular party (including the PT) it won?t be free to appoint all senior officials from within its own ranks. That includes the presidents of state-owned enterprises and important federal agencies. Hence even if the communications minister is from the PDT, some of the ministry?s departments and agencies may be run by the PT. That includes the all-important broadcasting department, which controls TV and radio licensing, and the Post Office (ECT). Last week Dep. Walter Pinheiro (PT, Bahia) said no minister will be ?autonomous enough to do what he or she likes?. Thus cabinet members from whatever party are supposed to swear allegiance to Lula?s election manifesto. Also according to Dep. Pinheiro, Lula will hold frequent cabinet meetings at which ministers will be expected to show what they have done to achieve the Government?s targets.


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