After an entire year of discussion among senior industry executives, ABTA managed to complete the first stage of its review of the pay-TV model in Brazil at a meeting held Monday, March 25. According to attendees interviewed by PAY-TV News, the meeting reflected a strong commitment to the industry on the part of all operators but no conclusions were reached (or expected) on what to do next.
The Globo group was represented by a strikingly large number of executives from all key units, including Globo Cabo and corporate strategy as well as Globosat and Net Brasil.
There were no clashes on controversial subjects such as exclusive programming or packaging. On the contrary, the sources said even Globo?s representatives appeared willing to discuss these issues openly. Other players seem ready to make an effort to understand Globo?s strategy in this regard, they added.
Divergent opinions were relayed to PAY-TV on the next steps, however. Some executives regard Accenture?s involvement as no longer necessary and would rather prioritize the organization of more such meetings instead. Others think it?s more important to put in place a clear method for planning the road ahead and that?s exactly what a firm of independent consultants is supposed to do best. It?s now up to the ABTA committee to decide whether to retain the services of Accenture.
Views on the Government?s role also differ. Some believe the next steps don?t need to involve official agencies at all, whereas others insist on the need to produce a diagnosis for submission to Anatel and Congress, with suggestions on what the Government could do to help the industry.
Everyone interviewed said the meeting was ?better than expected? because it successfully brought all the key players together. The only operators not represented were TV Cidade and Alusa. Among programmers, only HBO was absent. Equipment vendors didn?t take part.
Pay TV model