Culture Ministry to regulate TV content as well as film

Presidential Chief of Staff José Dirceu has apparently accepted the pleas from film directors, with whom he met on July 18, to move the National Film Agency (Ancine) to the Culture Ministry. According to a government source, moreover, he?s also agreed to extend its regulatory remit to television and change its name to Ancinav, short for National Audovisual Agency. The Culture Ministry is reportedly working on the necessary reformulation.
The solution found by the Government to avoid facing resistance from the TV networks is not to interfere with the relations among the private-sector companies that provide broadcast services. The new regulator will focus on promoting and conserving national content, says the source.
The Government is expected to announce a final decision on Ancine?s move to the Culture Ministry within a fortnight, the source goes on. Meanwhile, the ministry is discussing the agency?s new remit with different sectors of society including the TV networks. Meetings have begun and Globo at least has been consulted, but the other major networks won?t be left out.


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