Carlos Capellão, a director of SET, the society of TV and telecoms engineers, presented details of the pilot digital TV project Friday, August 2. The initial idea was to try out possible applications for a previously chosen DTV standard, but Anatel is taking a long time to choose one. SET doesn?t want to wait for ever, he said, so the pilot will go ahead anyway, taking the opportunity to test each standard again. ?We might even help Anatel make up its mind with these new tests,? he said. The aim is to make the experiment as realistic as possible, simulating the way DTV will operate in Brazil from the standpoint of broadcasting, content production, the consumer and professional products industry, advertising, and research and educational institutions. A consortium will own and run the pilot station. SET?s members can participate by acquiring shares in the project. Vendors will be asked to donate or finance equipment. Government agencies and other public-sector entities will be invited to provide funding from research budgets and/or use any available airtime under contracts for services rendered. The structure will be similar to that of a commercial station, with systems for exhibition, encoding, transmission, propagation etc. Only individual companies will be able to join rather than associations such as Abert, Eletros, Abinee or ABTA. DTV standards organizations won?t be allowed to join either.
Digital TV